Consumer Warrior Clark Howard: You have more power now to ask for a raise

Jacksonville FL — Consumer Warrior Clark Howard is back with more money-saving advice and this time he is talking about how you can get more money from your job. Clark says with the rate of Americans quitting their job at an all-time high, you have more power now to ask for a raise. He says employers are aware that employees are thinking they could move on to a different position and that gives you more power. Clark says you have even more pull if you have skills that you know are valuable for another employer. You will have to do your homework though.

“It’s not enough to just say hey I want more money, you need to do the homework first and know what’s out there to then try to get more money from your boss”. Clark says.

Clark says knowing your value will help give you more leverage when asking for a raise.

Click here for more money-saving tips from Clark Howard.